PDManager is an easy-to-use web service that assists teachers and schools to manage professional development. Schools using PDManager can streamline processes, reduce data entry, eliminate paper processes, and utilise collected data to make informed decisions. Staff will find PDManager intuitive and easy to use with little or no training.
You can now easily manage, track, and streamline all your school professional development activities or events for educators, administrators, and staff in one central location. The PD Tracking Tool streamlines the communication process for submitting, requesting, and tracking all professional development activities and events between educators or staff and the central office.
The PD Coordinator is automatically notified of new PD requests via email. Coordinator's are able to assess each PD request in relation to the information contained in the reporting tables on the number of PD sessions attended and related costs for each individual over the year. PD Certificates can be printed on demand for individuals or as a group.
In addition, the PD Coordinator has complete control in creating customised information data collection fields and is able to import PD attendance records from (.csv) files. In circumstances when all staff attend an in-house 'PD Day' - the PD Coordinator can create a PD record of attendance for all staff and eliminate the need for all staff to record individually.
At any time, teaching staff can log on to the PD Manager to view a calendar of teachers attending PD's, print personal PD Attendance Certificates and modify the information contained in unapproved PD requests.